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I got it working

I am halfway there on my Treo expansion: I can record movies now with mMovie ( I have not yet exported them to PC to really look at them but they look comparable to those from my first camera, or perhaps my second. Gah-- I can't believe I'm on my fourth camera, to think of it.

I installed a DVD ripper which is probably not the best: FairUse, it takes 6 gigs per movie, and that's too much. I left it compressing my file: that also takes hours to do. There is another one I will seek: the name eludes me, but apparently it compresses as it rips, which might leave me with a 250 mb file on my hard drive instead of a 6 gb one to delete. I will see how Phantom of the Opera looks with FairUse first though.

I am using TCPMP to play movies, free also, and it's perfect. I bought a SD card reader since I will need that to transfer the movie.

Still not writing or anything, but I am starting to want to again. I also find I am terribly hungry, and I wonder if the two are related.

Somebody did a Victorian Wordpress theme called "Quentin." I don't think I can pass that one up, so I'm going to convert to Wordpress when I get the chance. I am kind of sad! But it will be for the best to have an all-in-one journal. I think I'm going to host it on, right on the domain.

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