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The prince

They were closing in on me, though their movements were ever so subtle. They looked at me, and averted their eyes when I saw them staring. I knew I must stand out from the dancers in my plain clothes, but there was something more to it than that.

Suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist. Grips came around my arms. I cried out, frightened. I found myself leaning against my dance partner and staring as Angelica approached me. Her eyes had gone pale: the pupils were slits, even though the room was shadowed.

The grip on my arms tightened. "You fool," he said to me. "I told you to leave, that it was dangerous for you."

I turned and saw that Lysander held me. I was speechless as when we had last met, each time with the expectation that I would not see him again. I was so beguiled by his presence I could say nothing intelligent.

Impatiently he looked passed me to the others that had crowded close, dispelling them with a glinting look. In a moment it became clear to me.

They were all wolves, and he was their prince.

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