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Some things on my mind

  • Why is our dishwasher not working? I need to see if debris is stuck.
  • In what do I need to rinse the glasses to remove hard water stains after washing?
  • How do I remove tea and coffee stains from my dishes?
  • Winter Light, I have put my design on hold in favor of my project with Josette. The site elements I planned to use may change. I am putting the project off indefinitely.
  • Writing goals, what do I want to work on this week? I may take some general story time to index and take notes since I don't have a specific story to do.
  • Continuation of The Empty City. I like writing it. I am copying some scenes directly from Cambriel. Obviously I am going to excise those scenes from Cambriel. Then, Red Rose. This will make a great trilogy. It's hard to believe I planned all this out in college, then abandoned the project. It's turning out just like I predicted.
  • Josette's site, continue to learn PSP's mask function, edit background image, continue to format text and make layout more liquid.

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