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Pages: 119
Words: 60,823
Characters (no spaces): 281,843
Characters (with space): 342,848
Paragraphs: 1,349
Lines: 4,319

Welcome me back to the land of the living. Welcome me to reading, to my vignettes and projects, to catching up on Internet stuff, to photo-work, to the land of dreaming. I began in Indian summer. Here I cease in the fullness of autumn, and I verify that never has a more beautiful season has passed in this territory, never more colorful leaves or life-giving air.

I bear with me a full novel not one word of which was writ thirty days previous.

I cannot believe I was so deeply tempted to abandoned NaNoWriMo that I passed nearly twelve hours at one point with the attitude that my manuscript was entirely shelved. How could I? I love it. When I feel clearer, I will decide how much to polish, if I want to serialize it in Winter Light, or what. I have to admit I am tempted by Lulu.

Anyway, this afternoon I am going to verify my word count and get on the Internet. I will try not to take that for granted anymore.

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