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Some things I've learned from NaNoWriMo this year

I may not be one for writing novels anymore, more like short stories.

Writing so much in such a short time is not conducive to a story with few characters and a narrow focus.

Leisure time is very important. I miss writing vignettes for the Summerhouse, walking in River Legacy and crafting. I can't wait to get back to it.

If I put the time in, it will happen, no matter how blocked I am.

I need to follow the core force of the story, no matter how unexpected it may be or what strange place it leads. The story then flourishes, rather than becoming skewed or distended.

I am really interested in the balance of power between various people. This is what the story is indicating.

Also, my story is quite focused on the protection of the weak and defenseless.

I have taken some writing lessons to heart. Particularly giving the protagonist some point on which the reader can feel sympathy. Also exploring the dynamic of the three possible romance situations, as defined in Story Structures. It reduces the romance dynamic to a balance, imbalance or exchange in power. I'm not sure I agree, but I have been exploring that idea in my story.

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