I received my red 1960's dress today. It fits wonderfully. The fabric looks and feels like a couch. It also has a lot of hand tailoring and special details to enhance the fit that you cannot do in a factory, so that is special for me as well.
Josian (DikaDoll Kay) is currently sporting the Edward Cullen-esque wig. I photographed him amid the pokeweed, ubiquitous here south of Fort Worth. I have had Josian since July of 2015. I am currently reading Evermore by Alyson Noel and have been feeling some YA fiction vibes lately.
In the afternoons, I usually take my laptop or a book to the bed and study, and a doll for company. Gertrude is sitting on my bed desk. I got her in 2015 from the Korean doll company Dollmore. She's a "Flocke" sculpt. Willow is sitting with my headphones. She's made by the Chinese company Angel of Dream. I got her in 2013. She's a "Qing" sculpt.