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Red Rose, first edition

I have finished my first pass at Red Rose. I will stop my editing at that for the day. I am amazed that in such a short period of time I have made serious editions of Red Rose and The Awakening. It has been three weeks since I began my writing routine, and I can see now that with this kind of effort I will really produce something.

My ambition hasn't stopped there. Lately I have been building on my dreams to make a Heaven on Earth. Tonight I am cooking Moroccan chicken stew in the crock pot. The preparation has proved to be kind of intense, so next time I will omit the squash, unless I can find pre-cut pieces.

A Heaven on Earth is the home in my long-ago dreams. It is a place where sunlight filters through open windows, and wind blows the filmy curtains and makes the candles on the table and the mantel flicker. There are prisms hanging in the windows that throw colored light over the walls. Jars of honey and various projects of steeping and preserving are in the kitchen window. The kitchen window looks into a yard, where there are animals.

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