"Of course. And did you ever tranquilize the animals?"
"In one case, an animal had to be tranquilized. I prepared the fluid according to the doctor's instructions, but I did not tranquilize the animal."
"Have you worked with animals besides horses?"
"There were other animals admitted to the clinic, dogs and cats."
"Describe your level of experience in handling difficult animals."
Dr. Thorn's questions were so rapid-fire Cassandra barely drank her masala coffee, keeping it in a tight grip in one hand. "I am competent at handling large or difficult animals. I have a good sense about what frightens or hurts them and can minimize their stress without much restraint."
Dr. Thorn regarded Cassandra thoughtfully. With regard to appearance, Cassandra might have made an appealing protege for her. Like the doctor Cassandra was pale with dark hair. Dr. Thorn's features were more refined, however, and her coal-black eyes were inscrutable. Cassandra's eyes were the color of an overcast sky, and her face tended to look somewhat timorous.