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I feel so much better than I thought I would this morning. Somehow my mood seems connected to something separate from the world around me today. I keep dreaming and planning.

I felt down last night because I looked through cookbooks all evening and felt no inspiration for the weekend. However this morning I realized I need to make koch kasses. I have several recipes. The beer cheese will cure for a few days, but the Swiss we can have Saturday. It is so joyful for me to be able to make food connected to my ancestry. The Irish and German both.

I have been loving lilting Irish carols lately.

I also am thinking of making a Christmas journal. Christmas is important to me, an emotional time, and I feel like I never quite do what I mean to do, so I want to write out all the things I want to do for Christmas so I can live it more fully.

Today is crazy. On top of having some special visitors, my deadline is, well, right now. I deleted a line in my program yesterday which proved fatal to last night's run, and sealed my fate today. I may be here late. Somehow I am not as upset as I thought I would be. It will be okay.

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