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One fine day

One day a photo will be taken of me in which I am wearing makeup and my hair is combed. This is not that day.

This day was huge.

iPhone 2010-04-15 002

This day I found out I was promoted. Lots of stuff happened.

When I got home there were tons of packages waiting for me. Jewelry and clothes.

It was like my birthday all over again, except I had ordered them weeks before when I was a little depressed. :/

 iPhone 2010-04-15 003

So I had all this new stuff, and I'd just been promoted. My face was still all hot when I got home as you can see, and my hair had frizzed out of its braids. I realized I wanted to remember this moment forever.

April 14 - turned 30

April 15 - promoted

April 22 - taped some inspirational quotes on my desk. Feeling. unsure of myself.

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