My breaks have been shortened to two fifteen-minute breaks and a thirty-minute. This has totally disrupted my break flow. I often don't have time at the end of the day to take a second fifteen minute anyway so I feel totally ripped off.
Anyway I thought I would try the five-minute writing challenge but honestly was discouraged by the loss of the post. I will try to write tonight to make up.
My computer is suffering the intermittent loss of power, so I have to watch it all the time to make sure the power cable is angled correctly. The battery doesn't hold much, so I could lose data that way too.
Man. Oh, well. I have an hour left of work. I have been reading New Moon. I have serious problems with the logic consistencies.
I don't know that I have been very Jane today. It's hard to be Jane, because she's not analytical, and that's my job. Today I'm working on the investigation, and I'm glad though.