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Technology trouble

On my first break I started a writing post and couldn't wait to continue it on my second break, but it was lost. The app sucks totally. So this is through email and may be badly formatted.

My breaks have been shortened to two fifteen-minute breaks and a thirty-minute. This has totally disrupted my break flow. I often don't have time at the end of the day to take a second fifteen minute anyway so I feel totally ripped off.

Anyway I thought I would try the five-minute writing challenge but honestly was discouraged by the loss of the post. I will try to write tonight to make up.

My computer is suffering the intermittent loss of power, so I have to watch it all the time to make sure the power cable is angled correctly. The battery doesn't hold much, so I could lose data that way too.

Man. Oh, well. I have an hour left of work. I have been reading New Moon. I have serious problems with the logic consistencies.

I don't know that I have been very Jane today. It's hard to be Jane, because she's not analytical, and that's my job. Today I'm working on the investigation, and I'm glad though.

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