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It is raining

so hard and delicious and wonderfully. It does not rain much here so it is always a shock when I hear it on the roof.

I ate so much at the pot luck. It was so much fun... I cleaned out the hen house when I got home, and I really wanted to plant my bulbs but I could see it was going to rain.

I ate a little of everything, but it turned out to be a whole lot. And I laughed until I cried. I never laugh at work, and I was very conscious of this and tried to shut it up but I couldn't stop.

Yesterday we walked around town, and I must say Arlington does not have a lot in the way of historical buildings. The Berachah Home for Erring Girls made me think of Emilie Autumn... On one plaque there was a photo of Victorian women in some society. They all had dark hair and were dressed in white. The women wore long white gowns, all wonderfully differentiated in what I could tell was exquisite lace or little boots, with their hair so dark in a loose bouffant, and it was all exquisite.

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