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Starbucks almost paradise

Almost paradise except the Backspace and P are still not working properly. But I found out if I keep a text file open (so I don't mess up what I'm writing) and jam those two keys really hard I can get it flowing again, but. I really could use a new computer sooner or later.

But this really is paradise with a hot black tea, a pumpkin loaf that was broken and free, and my sweater which was in the truck all day and now all warm. Also I found Cinderella's egg in the back of my truck on my lunch break and kept it on my desk for the rest of the day.

Just what I need before I go to the supermarket.

This week I will be reviewing data every evening, so I am hurting inside (I'm not exaggerating) that I will be putting off my fairy kei dreams a little longer. I want to make a pink cardigan and embroider a little deer or elephant on it. I want to make something out of my Strawberry Shortcake fabric. I want to finish my ivory dress with the puffy rabbits.

Sometimes I am still amazed that other people invented this every day life. I don't know what they were thinking. I have to go to this gross supermarket that smells so sour to get my groceries, because I guess people like this better than, I don't know, open air markets or something. I have to take extra work home every day because other people care more about meeting deadlines and making money than. anything, even though they don't do anything good or at least interesting with their money, as far as I can tell.

It's okay. okay. deep breath. The other world is still there, still waiting for me. I just have to get through a little bit and keep cleaning the house and stay brave.

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