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Writing challenge notes

Okay, I have given the timed writing challenges some more thought. My first challenge will be to finish the stories I have started on this journal-The Empty City, and The Soul of the Rose. I don't think it will want to write the same story every day.

Monday, I re-wrote the first page of Madelyn. My first writing of it was fraught with passion and pain, and it was terrible. There is something to be said for a cool, analytical mood. However I realized it was a rare thing that I should be moved to work on Madelyn. And I am not sure if I should jump ship on it anyway. I am sort of attacking a whole worship belief , and I'm not sure that's justified. At the same time, when I see or hear something related to that belief that upsets me, I take it to Madelyn and find relief. It's a sort of style related to another story I wrote several years ago called The Ballad of Mary Ellen. They are both country, weedy 1930's-style stories where adolescents learn they can't trust anything adults say or do, and they better look out for themselves. I'm not sharing them on the blog, because they're sort of diary-like. I need to have the freedom to be daring and embarrass myself, and then re-write.

In order to organize the project, I will create a sidebar category for my writing challenges. General writing challenge notes will be added to the header, and I will list each story in progress. I can also add the stories I finished. Snow White, I think, would be the only one.

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