My NaNoWriMo motivational email this morning proclaimed that if you are at 35K, you will definitely win. I am actually 400 words away from that number.
This week has been so hard. I have not let the sun go down on me once without a cap on my goal, but it has been at the expense of my health, hygiene, and fun. I don't even think about wearing the same pantyhose two days in a row anymore.
And that darkling hour-- 5:30 am-- it's really hell. I never have any idea what I will write, and the clock is ticking.
This may be one of the last Palm-based posts I write for a while. I am so upset to be giving up my Rose for what will probably be weeks, but she must be fixed.
Meanwhile I discovered some new gothic literature communities on Livejournal that really have me excited. I can't wait to read Carmilla. I see this happening on a pillow by the window with tea. I have a lot of things I need to do this weekend. This month, I am living only for Cambriel, and getting distracting chores out of the way may be key to my success.