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Cold, windy morning

This morning was very romantic as I wrote. The sun was rising, and it was incredibly windy. It sounded like the siding would blow off. It was hard to say it was beginning to rain because the wind was so much more noticeable than the rain. It led to good inspiration, and I almost completed my word count, amazingly.

I have not bathed in three days, but that's okay.

I have got to update my outline this evening. I am coming up blank on the future of Cambriel and my word count was supposed to come easier halfway through the story. According to my NaNoWriMo motivational emails, once you cross the half-way point, it's downhill from there. I don't think so!

I even did what I really didn't want to do-- I introduced a new character. He's necessary to the story, but I don't like him. One thing about all my characters is that I love all of them, passionately. Some of them may be evil, but they still possess great beauty. This character is not like that. I'll try to shape him into something more appealing.

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