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Barbecue fit for a princess

There's nothing that goes better with beasts, castles, frail maidens and tormented love than good barbecue. I have been running into major problems with The Soul of the Rose since Chapter 5 and I fear I will be losing a couple of lunches this week, so there will be a week's delay on Chapter 6. I am rewriting it because I was much displeased with the effect. It was too flippant all around. This story does not need to maintain a sense of levity. I am not out to please Jane Austen. In fact, I am aping the style of the writers she parodied in Northanger Abbey.

I laid out an alternate Chapter 6 on the way to work today, which so far is working out well.

Editing is so difficult. I become so set on what I've said and I don't want to change it, even if it's bad. It really goes against the grain.

However, this hour has been very instructive.

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