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The industrial lights in the distance affect me so deeply. They are like lights of a city that never was and never will be. No one lives there. It is deserted and lonely, yet lit brightly, like a ghost city at night. It makes me want to go there and explore those enormous buildings with thready staircases and high towers.

It’s like a place from my childhood. It reminds me of the vast field that separated our apartments from the prison. It was a barren, lonely place that affected my mind and my soul. I associated beauty and the comforts of home with loneliness and desolation. It made me see that anything can be beautiful, or ugly, depending on what you associate with it.

Lofty thoughts for a child, but it is true. I remember wandering through that field where there were no trees, and rejoicing in the beauty of the vast sky and the hollow wind. Here, I feel again connected with my very early childhood.

The other parts, shadowed with trees and vines, still strike me deeply to the heart. I cannot think on those places without pain.

But this industrial city reminds me of Cristalle, or Drommende, depending on which you want to think of. In the distance—lonely, deserted, beautiful and twinkling.

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