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Sugar Baby's

It's a beautiful day today. I went out early and had Sugar Baby's for lunch. I spent the time working on my wiki. I am not satisfied with the template. Just as I was leaving I got an idea of what to do with it. I want each wiki page to be stand-alone, but I can't find a way to eliminate the breadcrumbs at the top of the page. I learned today that code is probably called "header." Hopefully I can get somewhere with that.

But maybe not tonight, because when I get home I am going to spend time with my bird. His foot was hurt yesterday and he can barely move around. Last night he improved by the hour, but this morning he seemed inert and uncomfortable. I still can't believe this happened to him. I won't be easy till I can be home with him tonight. He seems most comfortable in the palm of my hand. He can't perch or sit comfortably upright.

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