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Favorite things

At long last, I have a few new favorite things.

There is a page at the back of my diary that I have kept since middle school, when I began to feel grand passions for random things. I did not know any better way to catalog these things than to list them in the back of my diary with the heading "Things Which Exalt the Soul."

These things may be very vague and random. One such thing from that time was "black hair and blue eyes." I can remember few others from that time since I no longer have that initial diary, which in college I found it too painful and embarrassing to keep.

On my present list are things like, "Elizabethan garments," "army camoflauge print" (you would not have thought that, would you?), "sunflowers," "rose tea," and so on.

It has been months since I have found new favorite things, but I have a few to add this morning.

I'l try to tell more later.

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