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Time change

The time change has messed with me so badly. I actually overslept this morning, and that is something I never do. When I woke up, Henry was lying on me and purring deeply-- no wonder I overslept.

Still, the past two mornings I have woken with a headache. Driving to work in the dark is surreal and somewhat miserable. At least there hasn't been any traffic, though. I have been able to leave from work on time.

I have been working, or obsessing, over my wiki each night. I am determined to get it the way I want it. It's the perfect outlet for my thoughts or ideas, any random page I care to make. I have also been looking over Lifetype a little. It's a very sleek journaling system that could be companion to my wiki.

I have heard you can make a wiki into a blog, but I am already far more familiar with my config and backend files than I want to be, so I won't even consider it.

Last afternoon there was the most wonderful rain, better than all the sunshine in the world. I sat by the open window and read Shelley, and wrote in my journal, though there's not the easiness in trying to have a reverie on a week night.

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